
Difference analysis of methane diffusion properties between tectonic coal and primary coal

  • 摘要: 原生结构煤受构造应力破坏后形成不同类型煤体结构煤,其孔隙结构、吸附/解吸、扩散和渗透能力等将发生变化,从而影响煤层气的赋存与产出。通过对沁水盆地赵庄井田3号煤层原生结构煤与构造煤样品进行甲烷等温吸附实验、低温液氮和二氧化碳吸附实验,分析了构造煤与原生结构煤的吸附−解吸性能及孔隙结构特征;应用单孔和双孔非稳态扩散模型,揭示了原生结构煤与构造煤中甲烷扩散的差异性及控制机理。研究结果表明,煤中CH4的吸附量随煤体结构破坏程度的增加而增加,构造煤的解吸和扩散速率要好于原生结构煤。原生结构煤与构造煤的扩散系数均随压力的降低而减小,在整个扩散阶段构造煤的扩散系数高于原生结构煤。在高于5.0、1.5~5.0 MPa和低于1.5 MPa的压力区间,气体扩散主要发生在大孔、中孔和微孔中,分别对应于菲克型扩散、过渡型扩散和克努森型扩散。双孔扩散模型对于解吸数据的拟合度明显高于单孔扩散模拟结果;揭示了煤中气体扩散呈3个阶段变化规律,即:快速扩散阶段(S1),衰减阶段(S2)和缓慢扩散阶段(S3)。有效扩散系数与温度表现出明显的正相关性,温度越高有效扩散系数越大,但是到了低压阶段孔隙结构对煤中甲烷扩散性影响高于温度。该研究成果为构造煤区煤层气勘探开发提供了理论依据。


    Abstract: Primary coal destroyed by geological stresses will form different types of coal structures, and the accumulation and migration of coalbed methane(CBM) are affected by the changes in pore structures, adsorption/desorption, diffusion and permeability. In this paper, the methane isothermal adsorption experiment, and low-temperature liquid nitrogen and carbon dioxide adsorption experiment were carried out on the samples of primary coal and tectonic coal of No.3 coal seam of Zhaozhuang Coal Mine in Qinshui Basin, so as to analyze the adsorption/desorption properties and pore structure characteristics of primary coal and tectonic coal. The methane diffusion difference and control mechanism of primary coal and tectonic coal were revealed by using unipore and bidisperse models. The results show that the adsorption capacity of CH4 in the coal increases with the increase of the damage of the coal structure, and the desorption and diffusion rates of tectonic coal are better than those of primary coal. The diffusion coefficients of primary coal and tectonic coal decrease with the decrease of pressure, and in the whole diffusion stage, the diffusion coefficient of tectonic coal is higher than that of primary coal. In the pressure range above 5.0, 1.5-5.0 MPa and below 1.5 MPa, gas diffusion mainly occurs in macropores, mesopores and micropores, corresponding to Fick diffusion, transition diffusion and Knudsen diffusion respectively. The fitting degree of the bidisperse model for desorption data is significantly higher than that of the unipore model. It is revealed that the gas diffusion in coal changes in three stages: rapid diffusion stage(S1), attenuation stage(S2) and slow diffusion stage(S3). The effective diffusion coefficient shows an obvious positive correlation with temperature. The higher the temperature, the greater the effective diffusion coefficient. However, in the low-pressure stage, the influence of pore structure on methane diffusion in coal is higher than that of temperature. The research results provide a theoretical basis for the exploration and development of CBM in tectonic coal areas.


