
Theoretical basis of dredging and efficient development of high−rank coalbed methane in China: A case study of the Qinshui Basin

  • 摘要: 我国高阶煤煤层气资源储量丰富,目前产量已占到我国煤层气总产量的90%以上,高阶煤煤层气资源的高效开发利用对于保障国家能源战略安全、助力实现“碳达峰、碳中和”战略目标具有重要的现实意义。我国煤层气产业总体呈现出勘探开发程度低、主体技术适应性低、投资回报率低、发展规模小的“三低一小”的不足,煤层气的规模化高效开发面临着巨大挑战。通过深度解剖勘探开发中出现的问题,认为制约煤层气产业高效开发的核心问题均源于对煤储层特征,特别是原始气水赋存、运移、产出规律认识不清,未形成与之相匹配的开发理论和配套工程技术。针对这一问题,开展煤层气水赋存–产出规律研究,将室内试验与现场实践相结合,形成煤层气疏导式高效开发理论及配套工程技术。结果表明:(1) 我国煤层气储层成藏过程复杂、气藏类型多样、非均质性强的客观条件与顶层设计支撑不足、主体技术工艺适应性不明确的主观因素是影响煤层气高效开发的重要原因;(2) 煤层孔隙–裂隙复杂双重孔隙结构及固有的气水赋存和产出运移规律决定了必须以“疏通”和“引导”为主导思想,以实现储层与井筒的充分沟通和流体的高效率产出;(3) 以沁水盆地高阶煤为例,运用疏导式开发理论形成的配套开发技术,实现高效规模建产,显著提升煤层气开发效果。


    Abstract: China is rich in high-rank coalbed methane(CBM) resources, which accounts for more than 90% of the total production of CBM in China. The efficient development and utilization of high-rank coal and coalbed methane(CBM) resources is of great practical significance for ensuring national energy strategic security and helping to achieve the strategic goals of “carbon peak and carbon neutrality”. The coalbed methane industry in China is generally characterized by low exploration and development degree, poor adaptability of main technology, low rate of return on investment and small development scale. The large-scale and efficient development of coalbed methane is faced with great challenges. Through in-depth analysis of the problems in exploration and development, it is concluded that the core problems restricting the efficient development of coalbed methane industry are all due to the unclear understanding of the characteristics of coal reservoir, especially the occurrence, migration and production of original gas and water, and the lack of matching development theory and supporting engineering technology. Aiming at these problems, the study on the regularity of occurrence and production of CBM water was carried out, and the theory of efficient development of CBM and supporting engineering technology were formed by combining laboratory test with field practice. The results show that: (1) The main factors affecting the efficient development of coalbed methane in China are complicated reservoir forming process, diverse gas reservoir types, strong objective conditions of heterogeneity, insufficient support of top design, and unclear adaptability of main technology; (2) The complex double pore structure of pore-fissure in coal seam and the inherent regularity of gas and water occurrence, production and migration determine that “dredging” and “guiding” must be taken as the leading ideas to realize the full communication between reservoir and wellbore and the efficient production of fluid; (3) Taking high-rank coal in Qinshui Basin as an example, the supporting development technology based on the dredging development theory can effectively realize efficient large-scale construction and production, and significantly improve the development effect of coalbed methane.


