Drilling technology and equipment play a key role in coalbed methane(gas) development and ensuring coal mine safe production in coal mining areas. The complicated geological and mining conditions of coal seams in China determine that the drilling technology and equipment must be based on the basic situation of coal mining areas and take the way of independent innovation. The representative achievements of drilling technology and equipment in coal mining area during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan and the Twelfth Five-Year Plan were systematically summarized in this paper. Additionally, it presents comprehensive introduction to the great achievements of surface drilling and underground drilling in coalbed methane(gas) development, water hazard prevention and control, channel construction for emergency rescue and so on. In view of the development demand and key problems of drilling technology and equipment for safe and efficient production in coal mines under the new situation, the development direction of high reliability and intelligent drilling technology and equipment is proposed in order to further enhance the level of drilling technology and promote the transformation and upgrading of localized drilling equipment.