
Geological consideration for site selection of underground coal gasifier

  • 摘要: 煤炭地下气化是对传统采煤技术的变革,气化炉选址是煤炭地下气化能否成功的先决条件。基于煤炭地下气化的研究进展和存在的问题,分析煤炭地下气化原理和气化炉选址的地质影响因素,重点分析煤级、煤层、地下水、围岩、构造等地质条件。结果表明:褐煤最适合地下气化;地下气化煤厚度应大于2 m、煤层倾角小于70°、埋深300~2 000 m适宜。同时,煤炭地下气化过程可能会对地下水造成污染,地下水涌入气化盘区也会导致气化失败;煤炭地下气化容易引起围岩破裂,造成地下水贯入气化区以及地表沉降;煤炭地下气化炉选址应避开构造复杂区域;地下气化可能会影响附近含水层微生物的活性,破坏地下生态环境系统。


    Abstract: Underground coal gasification(UCG) is a revolution in traditional coal mining technology, and the site selection of underground coal gasifier is a prerequisite for a successful UCG project. Refining and analyzing the previous research results, the principle of UCG and the geological controls of site selection of underground coal gasifier were reviewed. The results show that lignite is the most suitable for UCG. UCG should choose thickness greater than 2 m, angle is less than 70° and buried depth of coal seam is 300 to 2 000 meters. At the same time, the UCG process may pollute the groundwater, and the influx of groundwater into the gasification zone will lead to the failure of gasification. UCG is liable to cause the breakage of surrounding rocks, resulting in the groundwater infiltration into the gasification zone and ground surface subsidence. In addition, UCG has strong selectivity for geological structure, and may affect the activity of microorganisms in nearby aquifers.


