
Study on pore structure and pressure-sensitive effect of tectonic coal in Huaibei Xutuan mine

  • 摘要: 为了探究构造煤的孔隙结构及压敏效应,采取淮北许疃矿煤样,利用扫描电子显微镜、压汞实验、含瓦斯煤热流固耦合三轴伺服渗流装置进行相关参数测试,研究构造煤的孔隙结构以及有效应力对煤样渗透率渗透系数的影响。实验结果表明:碎裂结构煤裂隙规则、平直,连通性较好;原生结构煤中主要以微孔为主,构造煤中以微孔和过渡孔占主导。韧性变形系列构造煤的有效应力与渗透率呈抛物线关系;有效应力小于4 MPa时,煤体渗透率敏感性显著,大于4 MPa时其渗透率敏感性弱。该趋势是有效应力和解吸效应共同作用的结果;由于解吸和有效围压的共同作用,渗透率存在最小值。与沁水盆地相比,许疃矿煤样部分渗透率损害系数较高。


    Abstract: In order to discuss pore structure and pressure-sensitive effect of tectonic coal, coal samples of Huaibei Xutuan mine were measured by optical microscope, scanning electron microscope, mercury injection, and triaxial servo-controlled seepage equipment for thermo-fluid-solid coupling to reveal the pore structure and the influence of effective stress on permeability or permeability coefficient of structural coal. The results show that cataclastic structure of tectonic coal is regular, flat and has good connectivity; the pores of primary coal are mainly composed of micropores, micropores and transitional pores are dominant in tectonic coal has. The effective stress of ductile deformed coal has a parabolic relationship with permeability, when the effective stress is lower than 4 MPa, the coal shows obvious permeability sensitivity; when the effective stress is larger than 4 MPa, the coal shows weak permeability sensitivity. This trend is the result of the effective stress and desorption effect. The minimum permeability is caused by adsorption/desorption and effective confining pressure. Compared with the coal in Qinshui basin, coal samples of Xutuan mine have higher permeability damage coefficient.


