
Data modeling and analysis of coal resources based on 3DMine software

  • 摘要: 三维地质模型可以为不同领域的工程设计、施工及决策提供帮助。以山东古城煤矿3煤为研究对象,基于3DMine软件对目标煤层进行三维地质建模、储量计算和煤质分布规律分析。首先结合已有地质资料和钻孔数据建立钻孔数据库,构建了插入断层面的3煤顶底板表面模型;然后将煤层模型块体化,采用距离幂次反比法对块体属性模型进行插值,并据此计算了煤层可采储量、分析目标煤层煤质分布情况。结果表明,使用断层模型控制下的煤层三维表面模型能够直观反映煤层和构造的实际空间形态,在考虑全矿性损失影响后,依据煤层三维块体属性模型计算所得的可采储量结果更具实际参考意义,结合三维煤层模型分析煤质与煤层埋深的关系表明,研究区从北西到南东,随着煤层埋藏深度逐渐增加,煤的深成变质作用逐渐加深,灰分、硫分、挥发分随之降低,发热量和黏结指数随之升高。


    Abstract: Taking No.3 coal in Gucheng coal mine, Shandong Province as the target, 3D coal seam entity models were built in 3DMine software, coaly quality indices' distributions were analyzed and coal reserve was calculated and compared to the reserve estimation in method of geological block. Firstly, a boreholes database is established using the geological data and borehole data of the target, and a 3D surface model of the coal seam with faults embedded was constructed. Then, the surface model was interpolated into an entity blocks model through the algorithm of inverse distance weighted(IDW) interpolation. Finally, the recoverable coal reserve of the target was computed and the distributions of several indices of the coal quality, such as Mad, Ad, St,d, Qg,d, Vdaf and GR.I., were analyzed and visualized based on the entity blocks model. The result shows that the indices Ad, St,d and Vdaf decrease from northwest to southeast along the coal seam burial depth increases while the Qg,d and GR.I. grow up. Furthermore, the 3D blocks model with faults embedded not only represents the actual spatial morphology of coal seam and faults structure vividly but gives a much more consulted recoverable coal resources calculation also.


