
Reservoir-forming conditions of shale gas in Badaowan Formation in Fukang area, Xinjiang

  • 摘要: 为评估新疆阜康地区煤系页岩气资源潜力,以侏罗系八道湾组煤系页岩为例,基于钻井、岩心资料及样品分析结果,对该区煤系页岩气成藏条件进行研究,并初步提出该区页岩气成藏有利区。研究表明:该区侏罗系八道湾组页岩累计厚度较大(200~400 m),埋藏深度较浅(小于1 500 m),有机碳含量高(平均TOC质量分数大于2.0%),有机质类型以Ⅲ型和Ⅱ2型为主,热演化程度适中(Rran为0.8%~1.1%,处于成熟阶段),页岩储层物性较好,微米-纳米级孔隙较为发育,但黏土矿物含量较高,脆性指数较低,含气量较低(平均1.4 m3/t)。综合分析认为,八道湾组页岩具备较好的页岩气成藏条件。在此基础上,提出阜康-牧7井-米泉-昌吉一带为该区煤系页岩气成藏有利区。


    Abstract: In order to evaluate the potential of shale gas of coal measures in Fukang area, Xinjiang, taking the shale of Jurassic coal measures in Badaowan Formation as an example, the study was carried out and the favorable accumulation area for shale gas was preliminarily put forward according to the drilling, core data and sample analysis results in this paper. The result shows that the accumulative thickness of Jurassic Badaowan Formation shale is big(200-400 m), the buried depth is shallow(<1 500 m), the organic carbon content is high(average TOC>2.0%), mainly of type Ⅲ and Ⅱ2, thermal evolution level is moderate(Rran is 0.8%-1.1%, mature), physical property of reservoir are relatively good, micro-nanoscale pores are relatively developed, clay mineral content is high, brittleness index is low and the gas content is low(average 1.4 m3/t). After comprehensive analysis, it is concluded that Badaowan Formation in Fukang area has good reservoir-forming conditions for shale gas. On the basis of above studies, it is proposed that Fukang-Mu 7 well-Miquan-Changji area is a favorable accumulation area for shale gas in coal measures in this area.


