
Numerical study of Mabian landslide kinematics and impact intensity

  • 摘要: 滑坡运动堆积特征及其冲击强度研究对滑坡风险定量评估具有重要意义。通过对四川乐山市马边滑坡基本特征调查,利用支持向量机模型(SVM)和颗粒流方法(PFC),对滑坡岩土体细观强度参数进行反演和标定,结合UAV数据生成滑坡区高精度DEM,在此基础上,重构马边滑坡三维颗粒流数值模型,模拟并研究滑坡的运动堆积和冲击过程。结果表明:马边滑坡运动时长32 s,主滑时间16 s,运动开始5 s后速度达到峰值,为10.2 m/s;滑坡中后部岩土体运动迹线为直线型,中前部运动迹线成扩散状态,最终呈扇形堆积;滑坡在坡脚处的冲击力可达1.5×109 N,并随着坡脚距的增大,冲击力呈现出指数衰减特征。研究结果与滑坡运动过程实际视频解译结果及堆积现状基本一致,相关研究方法为滑坡定量风险评估提供借鉴。


    Abstract: study of landslide kinematics and impact intensity is of great significance for quantitative assessment of landslide risk. In this paper, the basic characteristics of Mabian landslide(occurred on May 5, 2018) in Leshan City, Sichuan Province were investigated. The support vector machine(SVM) model and particle flow method(PFC) were used to calibrate the meso-strength parameters of landslide rock and soil. Combined with the UAV data, the high-precision DEM of landslide area was generated. On this basis, the three-dimensional PFC model of Mabian landslide was reconstructed and simulated. The movement, accumulation and impact process of landslide are studied. The results show that: the movement of Mabian landslide lasted 32 seconds, main sliding time is 16 seconds, and the peak velocity is 10.2 m/s after 5 seconds; the movement trace of rock and soil in the middle and rear of the landslide is linear, while the middle and front of the landslide is in a diffusion state, and finally in a fan-shaped accumulation; the impact force of the landslide at the slope foot can reach 1.5×109 N, and the impact force presents the exponential attenuation characteristics with the increase of the movement distance. The results are basically consistent with the actual video interpretation results of landslide movement and accumulation, and the related research methods could provide references for quantitative risk assessment of landslide.


