
Temporal and spatial evolution of surface thermal environment in Huainan Mining Area in the last decade

  • 摘要: 地表温度是描述陆表过程和反映地表特征的重要参数。研究矿区地表温度的时空演变特征,对于理解煤矿开采活动对矿区生态环境的影响具有重要意义。淮南矿区是我国东部典型的高潜水位煤矿区,为了探究该区域地表温度的时空异质性与开采扰动的关系,利用2008—2018年5期Landsat影像进行地表温度的反演和下垫面信息提取,结合热力景观格局指数和城市热岛比例指数的计算,分析近十年来淮南矿区地表热环境的时空演变特征。结果表明:淮南矿区地表温度分布格局及其变化与下垫面结构及其变化密切相关。2008—2018年间,淮南矿区地表温度总体以中温区为主,其次是次低温和次高温区,高温区和低温区面积及其占比相对较低。由于城镇和矿井建设,以及煤矿开采产生的煤矸石堆积和开采沉陷积水,建设用地和水域面积不断增加,植被面积不断减少,相应的低温区、次高温和高温区增长,中温和次低温区减少,总体上城市热岛比例指数不断增加,热岛效应不断加剧;低温区斑块破碎度和复杂度不断减小,优势度不断增大。其他温度级斑块破碎度和复杂度,景观团聚程度和连通性,多样性和均匀度变化分为2008—2013、2013—2015和2015—2018三个阶段,其中2013—2015年人类干扰强度较大,斑块破碎度和复杂度增大,景观团聚程度和连通性,多样性和均匀度减小。研究成果为淮南矿区生态环境的恢复治理和城市产业规划提供了科学依据。


    Abstract: Land surface temperature(LST) is an important parameter to describe land surface processes and reflect land surface characteristics. It is of great significance to study the spatio-temporal evolution characteristics of surface temperature in the mining area in the last decade for understanding the influence of coal mining activities on the ecological environment. Huainan Mining Area is a typical high-phreatic mining area in eastern China. In order to explore the relationship between spatio-temporal heterogeneity of surface temperature and mining disturbance in this area, surface temperature inversion and underlying surface information extraction are carried out by using five periods of Landsat images from 2008 to 2018. Combined with the calculation of thermal landscape pattern index and urban heat island proportion index, the spatial and temporal evolution characteristics of surface thermal environment in Huainan Mining Area are analyzed. The results show that the surface temperature distribution pattern and its change are closely related to the underlying surface structure and its change in Huainan Mining Area. From 2008 to 2018, this mining area is mainly the middle temperature area, followed by the sub-low temperature and sub-high temperature area, with the area and proportion of the high temperature and low temperatures area being relatively low. Due to the construction of towns and mines, as well as the accumulation of coal gangue and mining subsidence water from coal mining, the area of construction land and water area is constantly increasing, and the vegetation area is constantly decreasing. Correspondingly, the low, sub-high and high temperature zones are increasing, and the middle and sub-low temperature zones are decreasing. On the whole, the urban heat island proportion index and the heat island effect are increasing. In the low temperature region, the patch fragmentation and complexity are decreasing and the dominance is increasing. The changes of patch fragmentation and complexity, landscape agglomeration and connectivity, diversity and evenness at other temperatures are divided into three stages: 2008-2013, 2013-2015 and 2015-2018. In 2013-2015, the intensity of human disturbance was higher. And the patch fragmentation and complexity increased, so did the landscape agglomeration and connectivity. The diversity and uniformity were reduced. The research results provide a scientific basis for the restoration and management of ecological environment and urban industrial planning in Huainan Mining Area.


