
Forming process of subsided column in coalfields of North China

  • 摘要: 在地下水系统的径流或排泄带上,且处于次级向斜轴部或转折端附近、小断层或环形断层发育地段,如果古地表岩溶空洞、古地下岩溶空洞和膏溶空洞等为岩层塌陷提供了发源地,陷落柱发育的可能性极大。华北型煤田陷落柱的形成是以底部岩层中空洞发育为基础,地下水的强烈交替和水-岩作用为条件,岩体自身重力、地应力集中以及溶洞内的真空负压三重作用为动力,经过垮落、溶蚀、搬运、塌陷、冒落等周而复始的过程,分阶段逐步形成陷落柱。


    Abstract: The subsided column formed possibly in runoff and discharge straps of groundwater systems and also nearby second-level syncline axis or turn-off areas or small faults or ring-shaped faults if surface or underground paleo-Karstic caves or gypsum caves provide conditions for strata falling.Forming processes of subsided columns can be divided into several steps which happened during collapse,intermission,dissolve erode,convey,subsidence,fall and so on happend again and again,under three kinds of dynamical action,rock mass gravity,concentration of ground stress and vacuum negative pressure,based on caves developed,groundwater violence flow and water-rock reaction.


