Ways to study and treat the problems related with flooding abandoned mines: A case study from Pittsburgh coal basin
摘要: 以美国匹兹堡煤田为例,介绍了废弃矿井地下水回充、相邻矿井水连通和自流排泄出地表,以致造成河水污染,生产矿井涌水量增加,甚至导致生产矿井水害事故等问题。强调应基于GIS和GPS等技术对这类矿区进行水文地质填图,设立长期水位水质观测站,并有针对性的设置矿井水处理厂。针对我国废弃矿井充水问题提出了建议。Abstract: Taking Pittsburgh coal basin as an example,the paper gives an introduction to hydrological problems related with abandoned mines,such as underground water recharge;mine to mine interactions and discharge.They could result in pollution of rivers,water increase of neighbored mine and even water hazards of active mines.It is emphasized that mine hydro-geological mapping is necessary to solve these problems.Some American mine mapping achievements based on GIS and GPS have been illuminated in the paper.The experience in Pittsburgh coal basin would be a good reference for treating the similar problems in China.